Painting,  Road Trip

1.5 Miles of 66 Treasure Route 66 – Auburn, Illinois Road Trip

1.5 Miles of Route 66 Auburn Illinois
1.5 Miles of Route 66 Auburn Illinois

Never – mind,
out working the field
The ground grows hard
On my knees, with my hands
I go to moving the soil,
One, two, three and more…..
To the worlds surprise over 1 mile of the
forgotten road reveals itself.
-laura carnagie

This portion of Route 66 of hand-laid brick road was completed in 1931. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places it is part of the 1926 alignment of the road.

Because it was covered with dirt for years and years, left forgotten and
void of importance, it was preserved.

Almost 1.5 miles of original route 66 red brick wait for you to come appreciate its history.

Painting Completed September 28, 2018

Original Painting 24 x 36.